Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Things You Need To Know About Hair Loss in Females

There is a significant psychosocial burden associated with hair loss in women as compared to men. In female pattern of hair loss, the thinning of hair in frontal area gives ‘see through’ appearance to hairline. The causes for female hair loss can be:

  1. FPHL
  2. Telogen effluvium
  3. Hormonal imbalance
  4. Poor diet
  5. Diffuse alopecia areata

The pattern and progression of female pattern baldness is different from males. There is diffuse thing of hair in female. Frontal recession, observed in males, is not seen in females as frontal hairline is relatively intact Read More 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

All You Need To Know About ROSACEA

You may be confusing your facial redness with rosy cheeks. Dr. Arika Bansal, an experienced skin specialist who well understands one’s skin needs, discusses all you need to know about Rosacea.
Rosacea, acute or chronic may cease you from emerging as want to. The good news is Dr. Arika Bansal at Eugenix has put down some effective treatments to the various causes and signs of Rosacea.
The most common skin problems patients complain of nowadays other than typical acne, eczema or melasma may be Rosacea. Rosacea is another terrifying disease that usually affects people with fair complexions. Any skin disorder or disease definitely keeps the person from feeling confident at workplace and among the peer group. Not only skin diseases may worsen with time but also tend to spread to other parts giving rise to severe diseases. Hence complete information and preventive measures are a must to follow if you
Here’s all the information Dr. Arika Bansal, (MBBS, MD, AIIMS), an expert dermatologist shares to clear the doubts and questions about Rosacea.
What are the symptoms of Rosacea?
People with comparatively fair skins who easily blush & flush are more prone to Rosacea, which may show visible signs like;
  • Redness in the face with sensitive dry skin that may burn and prick.
  • Bumps and pimples or acne like sores which if caused along with rosacea must be treated by an expert.
  • Thicker & coarser skin appears with a bumpy texture.
  • Dry, irritated red & watery eyes.
  • Many spider-like blood vessels of the face are visible.
What are the causes of Rosacea?
The literal cause of Rosacea is unknown as yet, however, you may be more likely to be affected if;
  • You have fair skin
  • In case of extreme emotions of anger, excitement, anxiety.
  • The environmental & lifestyle factors like blood flow, skin bacteria, sun damage of the tissue under the skin.
  • Hot & Spicy Food
Other causes include excessive alcohol, certain medicines, menopause, high fever, fluctuations in temperature.
Is Rosacea contagious?
There’s no evidence that states it can be spread through skin contact. It is not an infectious disease.
Is it curable?
Rosacea doesn’t have scientific cure as of now, however, certain medications prescribed by a dermatologist in practise may help control or eliminate some signs & symptoms.
What’s the best treatment for Rosacea?
The signs and symptoms of Rosacea considerably vary from one person to another and so the treatment. There are certain oral medications as well as topical therapies available to control the redness, bumps and pimples. When appropriate, Laser treatment can be prescribed which should only be performed by an expert dermatologist.
Does Laser Treatment for Rosacea work?
Laser therapy extensively helps remove the visible blood vessels or reduce excessive redness. Depending on the severity of redness or visible blood vessels, remarkable results are seen by the third session or more. Conclusively, Laser treatments are safe and effective for Rosacea if performed under expert supervision.

Dr. Arika Bansal is one of the most popular Dermatologist at Eugenix who has successfully provided a number of patients the desirable results against many skin diseases including Rosacea. Her adept knowledge and experience may inevitably be helpful to give you the blemish-free skin with the most suitable medications or contemporary therapies as required.
Read more here: http://bit.ly/1EEQIRH

A Big Fat Loss: Hair Fall

Hair Fall may be a common problem, experts find a way and solution to different causes and conditions. Here’s what your expert dermatologist Dr. Arika Bansal shares to hint you about cautious care you require henceforth.
Are you making yourself habitual to Hair Fall as an everyday problem or you’re amongst the ones seeking professional advice? Dr. Arika Bansal talks about the possible causes and general home care to follow against Hair Loss.

A Big Fat Loss: Hair Fall

A little unnoticable hair fall sounds natural and normal, however, excessive hair fall is an outspread condition among men and women nowadays, regardless of their age. The effects don’t end at unappealing physical looks but lowers one’s self esteem and confidence amidst their peer group and workplace.
Ironically, stress is one of the causes as well as an after effect of hair fall. There may be several other causes you must keep a note of to help yourself prevent hair loss, like (not limited to):

  • Physical stress
    A physical trauma, surgery, car accident or even the severe illness like flu can result in temporary hair loss.
  • Lack of protein
    Deficiency of protein diet can immensely lead to hair fall.
  • Heredity
    If you belong to a family where women started to lose hair at certain age you may be more prone to it.
  • Anemia
    The most common type of anemia, iron deficiency adds to the falling hair.
  • Autoimmune diseases
    The immune system finds the hair as foreign and targets it, when sometimes some diseases mean your hair will not regrow.
  • Dramatic weight loss
    Unusual and unreasonable weight loss also results in thinning hair
  • Overstyling
    When you do your hair firmly and constantly and in similar style, it causes stress to the roots making hair weak.
  • Several medicines and injectable therapies
    Many medicines and therapies are made containing certain drugs that result in extensive hair loss.
Lose Bad Habits, Not Hair.


  • Include high protein in daily diet
  • Get rid of your aggressive brushing habit
  • Avoid tightly wrapped ponytails
  • Sleep with either free hair or loosely tied braid
Hair fall is associated with different causes in different individuals and can be controlled with detecting the mere cause through general medications and therapies prescribed by an experienced dermatologist only. Besides oral medications or topical applications, authorised Hair Transplant procedures in Delhi are available for complete satisfaction. Dr. Arika Bansal is one of the best dermatologists in Gurgaon and Delhi for providing successful hair transplantation to the patients.

Feel on top of the world by undergoing hair transplant!

The desire to look young and pretty is age old. Everybody aims for this. It is true that appearance definitely matters to individuals....