Saturday, 16 April 2016

Do’s and Don’ts before Hair Transplant Surgery

You have understood the reason for hair loss problem, and now you might have got an appointment for a hair transplant in India. Eugenix is the best option as it has the team of best hair transplant specialists in Delhi NCR.

Below listed do's and don'ts can help you to prepare for the surgery:
  • Keep a note of one thing; you have to wash your hair properly morning and on the evening on the day of the surgery. 
  • Know what type of shampoos you need to use from your doctor.
  • Wear comfortable clothes that suits to your head.
  • Book a car for travel purpose from hospital to your house which becomes easy for you to take care of your head.
  • If you are a diabetic patient, then you need do speak with your surgeon in detail and tell about your medical history because your surgeon will prescribe you a diet plan which you need to follow on the day of the surgery.
  • You should not take any aspirin for seven days before the surgery.
  • Avoid alcohol or having multivitamins, vitamin B, or vitamin E supplements for seven days before the surgery.
  • Quit smoking before 3 days of the surgery and particularly on the day of the surgery because it decreases the blood flow to the scalp.
  • Avoid using medicines the day before the surgery without consulting your surgeon.
  • Stop drinking coffee the day before the surgery.
  • Avoid cutting or colouring your hair. It is better to leave your hair on the back side to guard the sutures after the surgery.
  • If you are preparing to dye your hair, then do it three days before the surgery. This helps the surgeon to see the white hair easily and helps you to keep your scalp clean and healthy.
  • Tell your health condition and medical background to your surgeon because it makes it easy for you to suggest you the diet plan that suits to the health condition of your hair.
  •  Know about the side effects of the surgery from your surgery after the surgery before undergoing the surgery because it not only saves you from side effects, but also saves you from money.
  • Follow the medicines as prescribed by your doctor correctly without delaying and keep a note of thing if you have heart disease and taking blood pressure medicines, then you may have to speak with your surgeon related with this however, it will not damage your hair much.
  • Avoid using the products on your hair just by reading the reviews there on the internet before the surgery.
  • Learn about the options available to regain lost hair quickly from your surgeon before going for the hair transplant surgery.
  • You need to see the education background and the case the surgeon has successfully has executed and how many are satisfied with the results after the treatment.
  • You also need to check the environment the surgeon is performing the treatment and see the facilities is providing the patient before paying for the treatment and going for the surgery.
  • Spend some time and do proper research the day before the surgery which is a great way to regain lost hair without any difficulty.

Feel on top of the world by undergoing hair transplant!

The desire to look young and pretty is age old. Everybody aims for this. It is true that appearance definitely matters to individuals....