Thursday, 30 June 2016

How Vitiligo Treatment Would Benefit You

Vitiligo is a disorder where white patches of skin gradually appear and cover various parts of the body. This happens as the cells responsible for pigmentation of the skin are destroyed. Vitiligo is also known for affecting other areas such as the tissue found inside the mouth and nose. The exact and precise cause of Vitiligo is unknown. However, popular research finds it to be an autoimmune disease. This disease is mainly prevalent in people who are in their 20’s. This disease often occurs when the immune system accidentally attacks a particular part of your own body.  Opt for Vitiligo treatment in South Delhi for best results.

Below is a list of the possible treatment options for Vitiligo:

Sunscreen- Sunscreen is used to protect un-pigmented skin from a sunburn reaction and to restrict the possible tanning of normal pigmented skin. The sunscreen used should be rated for no lesser than SPF 30. A best Dermatologist in South Delhi would definitely help in this regard.

Cover-up- You could cover-up with either dyes or even make-up. This is to hide the white macules so that the skin diseases and patches are not clearly visible.

Spot Treatment with Topical Corticosteroid Creams- This includes an initial treatment with specific topical corticosteroid creams. This procedure is practical, simple, and safe. Its effectiveness is usually shown over a period of 2 months. If however, the patient doesn’t show signs of improvement within two months it would indicate that the treatment isn’t very effective on that particular patient.

Spot Treatment and Mini Grafting- This is very closely associated with skin grafting as part of the unaffected skin is transplanted to the Vitiligo infected areas. This is a very effective technique for refractory segmental vitiligomacules.

Why is Vitiligo treatment so important?

While vitiligo doesn’t seem to pose any serious threat to human life and living, it psychologically traumatises the affected individuals. These people are looked down upon as outsiders and feel socially awkward in public spaces and populated areas. Did you know that Michael Jackson battled with vitiligo which actually helped spread public awareness about the disease?
Vitiligo or ‘leukoderma’ in certain countries is called ‘white leprosy’. It is commonly associated with a sense of shame and lowers the self-esteem of people suffering from the disease. Treatment is necessary as it helps boost their confidence in life and living.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Myths and Facts Of Hair Transplant

It is very essential to gather information about a treatment before opting for it. The more you know about your treatment, the safer and happier you will be. If you are considering getting a hair transplant then you might want to read this article. Listed below are some of the myths and facts about hair transplant which you must surely know.  If you are going for best hair transplant in Dehradun, you must know the following myths and facts.

MYTH: If you aren’t really confident about opting for hair transplant, try a small procedure so you will know if this treatment is for you.

FACT: Hair transplant is a very surgical treatment and the results are permanent. Trying a small procedure is not the good option as you might regret it later and even be stuck with the results. So, do a lot of research and take all the time you need.  Also find out the hair transplant cost in Dehradun before going.

MYTH: With just one glance, a doctor will tell you if there is enough hair on your head for this treatment.

FACT: One glance is not good enough. The doctor needs to do several things for finding this out. A densitometer is used for examining the scalp, and several other procedures need to be conducted. No doctor, however experienced, is capable of telling you this without using the certain instruments and procedures.

MYTH: It is good to opt for hair transplant at a young age.

FACT: It has been found out that the hair transplant is more successful in  older patients. When people start losing hair early, the pattern is very hard to predict and there are chances of the hair loss becoming extensive with age.

MYTH: When your hair fall hasn’t become excess, that’s when you should consider a hair transplant so you don’t need to let the world know about your hair fall.

FACT: Hair transplants do not grow very fast, they grow at a slow speed and it takes about an entire year to mature completely. If people did not see you struggling with hair fall then they will not find you any different after the treatment.

MYTH: With new and better techniques, women can avail the benefits of this treatment just like men do.

FACT: Despite the developments, women are not finding much benefits. Women suffering from hair loss do not find this treatment effective as the donor area is suffering from thinning just like some other parts of their scalp. 

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Acne Treatment - Tips To Do At Home

Acne which is usually considered as a problem for teenagers can plague people of any age group. How does acne occur? It usually occurs when the skin produce excess sebum which ultimately leads to blocked pores and the rise and spread of pimples. If the acne persist seeing a dermatologist in south Delhi maybe advisable. However, there are certain things which you can do at home to prevent the spread of acne.

Washing your face properly is the key to maintaining good skin. Make sure to select the right cleanser. A gentle face wash will be preferred. Also ensure that the cleanser isn’t an alcohol based one as that will lead to further irritation. Washing your face with lukewarm water is essential. Using cold water would close the pores and this would prevent the dirty, oil, and bacteria from being removed.

While applying the cleanser ensure that you don’t scrub your face with it. Gently apply and rub the cleanser on your face, focusing on the acne affected areas. Rinse again with lukewarm water. Lastly, apply an oil free moisturizer. Apart from this essential cleansing there are quite a few other things which you could do at home to prevent acne.  But in case of severe acne you’re advised to see a good skin specialist for acne treatment in south Delhi.

Lemon juice- Lemon Juice acts as a natural disinfectant. Use the lemon juice on a cotton ball to slowly cover the acne and pimples on your face. Repeating this procedure over a period of time will leave you with acne free skin.

Honey- Honey has certain antibacterial properties which kills the bacteria causing the acne. You could either dab the honey on your pimples or even use it as a mask.

A mixed turmeric treatment- A mixture of turmeric and coconut oil could simply do the trick. After applying it make sure to rinse your face well as turmeric will naturally make your skin yellow, especially if kept on for an extended period of time.

Use tomatoes- Tomatoes are really good for the skin as they are naturally rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Egg white- Since egg white usually tightens the skin it reduce the sizes of the pores. Apply the foamy egg white to your skin and then rinse with lukewarm water.

These are just a few of the many things that one could do to prevent and combat acne. Following these steps may help you get rid of your pimples.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Choosing The Best Acne Treatment For Acne Affected Skin

Girls go crazy when they see a pimple or acne or dark spots on their face. They want the steady and accurate treatment for the same as they are afraid of losing their self confidence and mostly stay at home. In fact, no one likes to look ugly or want people to dislike them because of their skin. It’s a common known fact that blemished skin or acne is caused by clogged pores and overactive sebaceous gland. This affects mainly those people who are in their early twenties and teens. Though, it’s quite usual for grownups to report the acne cases.

Precaution is better than cure:

Acne occurs mainly in face areas but also affect chest, neck, back and other parts of the body. Pointless to say, people who are suffering from blemishing skin issues search for treatments and products to get rid of the problem. Some great acne treatments and care tips are available that will help you in banishing tough blemishes within no time. You can go for acne treatment in South Delhi as there are many clinics that offer great acne treatment. Most of the factors which may contribute or aggravate blemishes include occupational factors such as exposure to various chemicals for long period, pressure on base of skin by using helmet, medicinal and drug usage.

Avoid situation that pave way to acne:

Whenever possible, you should avoid such situations that aggravate or pave way to blemished skin. You can try three step procedures to keep your skin clean and clear as well as remove dead tissues on your skin which clog pores. You should use clean tone moisturiser. These are simple fuss free steps that will assist you in enhancing your complexion tremendously while the right items are used. Moisturisers are considered as one of the best natural acne treatment as numerous people have used and testified its effectiveness.

Consult your dermatologist:

 If your problem is severe then you need to consult the dermatologist in South Delhi. You will find many experienced and professional dermatologists in Delhi. There is a laser treatment also available to remove acne from the skin. Chemical based process is effective but quite pricy. Some people like to go for natural care for skin treatments whereas some people choose latest technology and speedy recovery over natural products. When you go for laser treatment make sure you choose the best dermatologist to get the procedure done.

Feel on top of the world by undergoing hair transplant!

The desire to look young and pretty is age old. Everybody aims for this. It is true that appearance definitely matters to individuals....