Thursday, 25 February 2016

5 Natural Home Remedies for Dry and Frizzy Hair

Everybody loves their hair, no matter what. Whether it's women or men, nobody wants dry, frizzy and dull looking hairs. Your hairs give you a good appearance. For most people, frizzy hair is just frustrating, nothing more than that. And, they just want a solution to get rid of them. The lack of moisture can result in dry and frizzy hairs. 

Some people may visit spa or use expensive chemicals to free them for frizzyness temporarily. But, this is not a affordable solution for everyone. Well, don't worry about that. Eugenix, a hair care centre, which has very experienced hair transplant specialists in India, will discuss some effective tips which you can follow at home to get rid of dry and frizzy hairs.

Some effective tips for dry and frizzy hairs are as follow:

Beer - This sounds a little weird but it is a great option for restoring moisture in your hair. Beer contains all essential nutrients, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that your hair needs. Simply coat your hair with beer, Leave it on for

Eggs - Hairs are mainly made up of protein. Eggs are rich source of protein which helps to protect our bones and promote healthy hairs. Apply egg white on your hairs and then rinse off with water after 20-30 minutes

Yogurt - It is a natural conditioner and gives smooth and shiny looking hairs. It's moisturizing properties helps in curing dry hair. You can apply it as a mask on hairs and leave it on for about 15-20 minutes, and then rinse your hair with warm water.

Banana - Banana are very rich in potassium, and vitamins. They are effective to cure dry hairs. You can mix banana with eggs and make a paste. Apply this paste on your hairs and scalp. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Then, rinse off with warm water.

Honey - It is a nourishing product for hair which helps to cure dry and frizzy hairs. Prepare a mixture by combining olive oil and honey. Apply it on your hairs and scalp. Then, shampoo your hair after 30 minutes.

These above mentioned tips are proven to be effective to fight dry and fizzy hairs if followed properly. Other than this, if you are experiencing hair loss problem and looking for hairtransplant surgery in India, you can visit Eugenix speciality centre

You can also contact them for any advice for hair problems. They have very experienced hair specialists who can give you expert advice for hair treatment. 

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