Thursday, 30 June 2016

How Vitiligo Treatment Would Benefit You

Vitiligo is a disorder where white patches of skin gradually appear and cover various parts of the body. This happens as the cells responsible for pigmentation of the skin are destroyed. Vitiligo is also known for affecting other areas such as the tissue found inside the mouth and nose. The exact and precise cause of Vitiligo is unknown. However, popular research finds it to be an autoimmune disease. This disease is mainly prevalent in people who are in their 20’s. This disease often occurs when the immune system accidentally attacks a particular part of your own body.  Opt for Vitiligo treatment in South Delhi for best results.

Below is a list of the possible treatment options for Vitiligo:

Sunscreen- Sunscreen is used to protect un-pigmented skin from a sunburn reaction and to restrict the possible tanning of normal pigmented skin. The sunscreen used should be rated for no lesser than SPF 30. A best Dermatologist in South Delhi would definitely help in this regard.

Cover-up- You could cover-up with either dyes or even make-up. This is to hide the white macules so that the skin diseases and patches are not clearly visible.

Spot Treatment with Topical Corticosteroid Creams- This includes an initial treatment with specific topical corticosteroid creams. This procedure is practical, simple, and safe. Its effectiveness is usually shown over a period of 2 months. If however, the patient doesn’t show signs of improvement within two months it would indicate that the treatment isn’t very effective on that particular patient.

Spot Treatment and Mini Grafting- This is very closely associated with skin grafting as part of the unaffected skin is transplanted to the Vitiligo infected areas. This is a very effective technique for refractory segmental vitiligomacules.

Why is Vitiligo treatment so important?

While vitiligo doesn’t seem to pose any serious threat to human life and living, it psychologically traumatises the affected individuals. These people are looked down upon as outsiders and feel socially awkward in public spaces and populated areas. Did you know that Michael Jackson battled with vitiligo which actually helped spread public awareness about the disease?
Vitiligo or ‘leukoderma’ in certain countries is called ‘white leprosy’. It is commonly associated with a sense of shame and lowers the self-esteem of people suffering from the disease. Treatment is necessary as it helps boost their confidence in life and living.

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